Configuration Guide

This guide covers the different configuration options that are available in order to setup a working Business API Ecosystem instance. The different Business API Ecosystem components can be configured using two different mecahnisms, settings files and environment variables.

At this step, the different components of the Business API Ecosystem are installed. In the case of the TMForum APIs and the RSS, this installation process has already required to configure their database connection before their deployment, so they are already configured. Nevertheless, this section contains an explanation of the function of the different settings of the RSS properties files.

Configuring the TMF APIs

When the TMF APIs are deployed from sources, the connection to the MySQL database is configured during the installation process setting up the jdbc connection as described in the Installation and Administration guide.

On the other hand, the Docker image biz-ecosystem-apis, which is used to the deploy TMF APIs using Docker, uses two environment variables for configuring such connection.


Finally, the TMF APIs can optinally use a configuration file called which is located by default at /etc/default/apis. This file include a setting server which allows to provide the URL used to access to the Business API Ecosystem and, in particular, by the APIs in order to generate hrefs with the proper reference.


This setting can also be configured using the environment variable BAE_SERVICE_HOST


Configuring the RSS

The RSS has its settings included in two files located at /etc/default/rss. The file contains by default the following fields:


This file contains the configuration required in order to connect to the database.

  • database.url: URL used to connect to the database, this URL includes the host and port of the database as well as the concrete database to be used
  • database.username: User to be used to connect to the database
  • database.password: Password of the database user
  • database.driverClassName: Driver class of the database. By default MySQL

In addition, database settings can be configured using the environment. In particular, using the following variables:

export BAE_RSS_DATABASE_URL=jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/RSS
export BAE_RSS_DATABASE_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw
export BAE_RSS_DATABASE_DRIVERCLASSNAME=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

The file contains by default the following fields (It is recommended not to modify them)


This file contains the name of the roles (registered in the idm) that are going to be used by the RSS.

  • config.grantedRole: Role in the IDM of the users with admin privileges
  • config.sellerRole: Role in the IDM of the users with seller privileges
  • config.aggregatorRole: Role of the users who are admins of an store instance. In the context of the Business API Ecosystem there is only a single store instance, so you can safely ignore this flag

Those settings can also be configured using the environment as


Configuring the Charging Backend

The Charging Backend creates some objects and connections in the different APIs while working, so the first step is configuring the different URLs of the Business API Ecosystem components by modifying the file, which by default contains the following content:

SITE = 'http://localhost:8004/'
LOCAL_SITE = 'http://localhost:8006/'

CATALOG = 'http://localhost:8080/DSProductCatalog'
INVENTORY = 'http://localhost:8080/DSProductInventory'
ORDERING = 'http://localhost:8080/DSProductOrdering'
BILLING = 'http://localhost:8080/DSBillingManagement'
RSS = 'http://localhost:8080/DSRevenueSharing'
USAGE = 'http://localhost:8080/DSUsageManagement'
AUTHORIZE_SERVICE = 'http://localhost:8004/authorizeService/apiKeys'

This settings points to the different APIs accessed by the charging backend. In particular:

  • SITE: External URL of the complete Business API Ecosystem using for Href creation
  • LOCAL_SITE: URL where the Charging Backend is going to run
  • CATALOG: URL of the catalog API including its path
  • INVENTORY: URL of the inventory API including its path
  • ORDERING: URL of the ordering API including its path
  • BILLING: URL of the billing API including its path
  • RSS: URL of the RSS including its path
  • USAGE: URL of the Usage API including its path
  • AUTHORIZE_SERVICE: Complete URL of the usage authorization service. This service is provided by the logic proxy, and is used to generate API Keys to be used by accounting systems when providing usage information.

Once the services have been configured, the next step is configuring the database. In this case, the charging backend uses MongoDB, and its connection can be configured modifying the DATABASES setting of the file.

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django_mongodb_engine',
        'NAME': 'wstore_db',
        'USER': '',
        'PASSWORD': '',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '',
        'TEST_NAME': 'test_database',

This setting contains the following fields:

  • ENGINE: Database engine, must be fixed to django_mongodb_engine
  • NAME: Name of the database to be used
  • USER: User of the database. If empty the software creates a non authenticated connection
  • PASSWORD: Database user password. If empty the software creates a non authenticated connection
  • HOST: Host of the database. If empty it uses the default localhost host
  • PORT: Port of the database. If empty it uses the default 27017 port
  • TEST_NAME: Name of the database to be used when running the tests

Once the database connection has been configured, the next step is configuring the name of the IdM roles to be used by updating

ADMIN_ROLE = 'provider'
PROVIDER_ROLE = 'seller'
CUSTOMER_ROLE = 'customer'

This settings contain the following values:

  • ADMIN_ROLE: IDM role of the system admin
  • PROVIDER_ROLE: IDM role of the users with seller privileges
  • CUSTOMER_ROLE: IDM role of the users with customer privileges

The charging backend is the component in charge of maintaining the supported currencies and the timeframe of the different periods using in recurring pricing models. To configure both, the following settings are used:

    ('EUR', 'Euro'),
    ('AUD', 'Australia Dollar'),
    'daily': 1,  # One day
    'weekly': 7,  # One week
    'monthly': 30,  # One month
  • CURRENCY_CODES: Includes the list of currencies supported by the system as a tuple of currency code and currency name.
  • CHARGE_PERIODS: Includes the list of supported periods for recurring models, specifing the time (in days) between periodic charges

The Charging Backend component is able to send email notifications to the users when they are charged or receive a payment. In this way, it is possible to provide email configuration in the file by modifying the following fields:

WSTOREMAILUSER = 'email_user'
WSTOREMAIL = 'wstore_email'
WSTOREMAILPASS = 'wstore_email_passwd'
SMTPSERVER = 'wstore_smtp_server'

This settings contain the following values: * WSTOREMAILUSER: Username used for authenticating in the email server * WSTOREMAIL: Email to be used as the sender of the notifications * WSTOREMAILPASS: Password of the user for authenticating in the email server * SMTPSERVER: Email server host * SMTPPORT: Email server port


The email configuration in optional. However, the field WSTOREMAIL must be provided since it is used internally for RSS configuration

Additionally, the Charging Backend is the component that charges customers and pays providers. For this purpose it uses PayPal. For configuring paypal, the first step is setting PAYMENT_METHOD to paypal in the file


Then, it is required to provide PayPal application credentials by updating the file src/wstore/charging_engine/payment_client/

MODE = 'sandbox'  # sandbox or live

This settings contain the following values:

  • PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID: Id of the application provided by PayPal
  • PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET: Secret of the application provided by PayPal
  • MODE: Mode of the connection. It can be sandbox if using the PayPal sandbox for testing the system. Or live if using the real PayPal APIs

Moreover, the Charging Backend is the component that activates the purchased services. In this regard, the Charging Backend has the possibility of signing its acquisition notifications with a certificate, so the external system being offered can validate that is the Charging Backend the one making the request. To use this functionality it is needed to configure the certificate and the private Key to be used by providing its path in the following settings of the file


The Charging Backend uses a Cron task to check the status of recurring and usage subscriptions, and for paying sellers. The periodicity of this tasks can be configured using the CRONJOBS setting of using the standard Cron format

    ('0 5 * * *', '', ['pending_charges_daemon']),
    ('0 6 * * *', '', ['resend_cdrs']),
    ('0 4 * * *', '', ['resend_upgrade']

Once the Cron task has been configured, it is necessary to include it in the Cron tasks using the command:

$ ./ crontab add

It is also possible to show current jobs or remove jobs using the commands:

$ ./ crontab show

$ ./ crontab remove

Configuring the Logic Proxy

Configuration of the Logic Proxy is located at config.js and can be provided in two different ways: providing the values in the file or using the defined environment variables. Note that the environment variables override the values in config.js.

The first setting to be configured is the port and host where the proxy is going to run, this settings are located in config.js

config.port = 80; = 'localhost';

In addition, the environment variables BAE_LP_PORT and BAE_LP_HOST can be used to override those values.

export BAE_LP_PORT=80
export BAE_LP_HOST=localhost

If you want to run the proxy in HTTPS you can update config.https setting

config.https = {
    enabled: false,
    certFile: 'cert/cert.crt',
    keyFile: 'cert/key.key',
    caFile: 'cert/ca.crt',
    port: 443

In this case you have to set enabled to true, and provide the paths to the certificate (certFile), to the private key (keyFile), and to the CA certificate (caFile).

In order to provide the HTTPS configuration using the environment, the following variables has been defined.

export BAE_LP_HTTPS_CERT=cert/cert.crt
export BAE_LP_HTTPS_CA=cert/key.key
export BAE_LP_HTTPS_KEY=cert/ca.crt
export BAE_LP_HTTPS_PORT=443

The logic proxy supports the BAE to be deployed behind a proxy (or NGINX, Apache, etc) not sending X-Forwarding headers. In this regard, the following setting is used in order to provide information about the actual endpoint which is used to access to the Business API Ecosystem:

config.proxy = {
    enabled: true,
    host: '',
    secured: true,
    port: 443

Which can be also configured using the BAE_SERVICE_HOST environment variable.


Then, it is possible to modify some of the URLs of the system. Concretely, it is possible to provide a prefix for the API, a prefix for the portal, and modifying the login and logout URLS

config.proxyPrefix = '';
config.portalPrefix = '';
config.logInPath = '/login';
config.logOutPath = '/logOut';

In addition, it is possible to configure the theme to be used by providing its name. Details about the configuration of Themes are provided in the Configuring Themes section:

config.theme = '';

The theme can be configured using the BAE_LP_THEME variable.

export BAE_LP_THEME=fiwaretheme

Additionally, the proxy is the component that acts as the front end of the Business API Ecosystem, both providing a web portal, and providing the endpoint for accessing to the different APIs. In this regard, the Proxy has to have the OAuth2 configuration of the FIWARE IDM.

To provide OAUth2 configuration, an application has to be created in an instance of the FIWARE IdM (e.g, providing the following information:

  • URL: http|https://<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>
  • Callback URL: http|https://<PROXY_HOST>:<PROXY_PORT>/auth/fiware/callback
  • Create a role Seller, a role Admin, and a role orgAdmin

Once the application has been created in the IdM, it is possible to provide OAuth2 configuration by modifying the following settings

config.oauth2 = {
    'server': '',
    'clientID': '<client_id>',
    'clientSecret': '<client_secret>',
    'callbackURL': 'http://<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>/auth/fiware/callback',
    'isLegacy': false,
    'roles': {
        'admin': 'admin',
        'customer': 'customer',
        'seller': 'seller',
        'orgAdmin': 'orgAdmin'

In this settings, it is needed to include the IDM instance being used (server), the client id given by the IdM (clientID), the client secret given by the IdM (clientSecret), and the callback URL configured in the IdM (callbackURL).

In addition, the different roles allow to specify what users are admins of the system (Admin), what users can create products and offerings (Seller), and what users are admins of a particular organization, enabling to manage its information (orgAdmin). Note that while admin and seller roles are granted directly to the users in the Business API Ecosystem application, the orgAdmin role has to be granted to users within IdM organizations.


Admin, Seller, and orgAdmin roles are configured in the Proxy settings, so any name can be chosen for them in the IDM

The isLegacy flag is used to specify whether the configured IDM is version 6 or lower, by default this setting is false.

The OAuth2 settings cane be configured using the environment as follows:

export BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=client_id
export BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=client_secret
export BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CALLBACK=http://<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>/auth/fiware/callback

export BAE_LP_OAUTH2_IS_LEGACY=false

Moreover, the Proxy uses MongoDB for maintaining some info, such as the current shopping cart of a user. you can configure the connection to MongoDB by updating the following setting:

config.mongoDb = {
    server: 'localhost',
    port: 27017,
    user: '',
    password: '',
    db: 'belp'

In this setting you can configure the host (server), the port (port), the database user (user), the database user password (password), and the database name (db).

In addition, the database connection can be configured with the environment as following:

export BAE_LP_MONGO_USER=user
export BAE_LP_MONGO_PASS=pass
export BAE_LP_MONGO_SERVER=localhost
export BAE_LP_MONGO_PORT=27017
export BAE_LP_MONGO_DB=belp

As already stated, the Proxy is the component that acts as the endpoint for accessing the different APIs. In this way, the proxy needs to know the URLs of them in order to redirect the different requests. This endpoints can be configured using the following settings

config.endpoints = {
    'catalog': {
        'path': 'DSProductCatalog',
        'host': 'localhost'
        'port': '8080',
        'appSsl': false
    'ordering': {
        'path': 'DSProductOrdering',
        'host': 'localhost'
        'port': '8080',
        'appSsl': false


The setting config.endpoints contains the specific configuration of each of the APIs, including its path, its host, its port, and whether the API is using SSL or not.


The default configuration included in the config file is the one used by the installation script, so if you have used the script for installing the Business API Ecosystem you do not need to modify these fields

Each of the different APIs can be configured with environment variables with the following pattern:


The Business API Ecosystem uses an indexes system managed by the Logic Proxy in order to perform queries, searches, and paging the results. Starting in version 7.6.0 it is possible to use elasticsearch for the indexing rather than using the local file system. The indexing system is configured with the following settings.

config.indexes = {
    'engine': 'local', // local or elasticsearch
    'elasticHost': 'elastic.docker:9200'

The engine setting can be used to chose between local indexes and elasticsearch indexes. If the later is chosen the URL of elasticsearch is provided with elasticHost.

Finally, there are two fields that allow to configure the behaviour of the system while running. On the one hand, config.revenueModel allows to configure the default percentage that the Business API Ecosystem is going to retrieve in all the transactions. On the other hand, config.usageChartURL allows to configure the URL of the chart to be used to display product usage to customers in the web portal. They can be configured with environment variables with BAE_LP_REVENUE_MODEL and BAE_LP_USAGE_CHART

Configuring Themes

The Business API Ecosystem provides a basic mechanism for the creation of themes intended to customize the web portal of the system. Themes include a set of files which can override any of the default portal files located in the public/resources or views directories of the logic proxy. To do that, themes map the directory structure and include files with the same name of the default ones to be overridden.

The Logic Proxy can include multiple themes which should be stored in the themes directory located at the root of the project.

To enable themes, the config.theme setting is provided within the config.js file of the Logic Proxy. Themes are enabled by providing the name of the theme directory in this setting.

config.theme = 'dark-theme';


Setting config.theme to an empty string makes the Business API Ecosystem to use its default theme

To start using a theme the following command has to be executed:

$ node collect_static.js

This command merges the theme files and the default ones into a static directory used by the Logic Proxy to retrieve portal static files.

Enabling Production

The default installation of the Business API Ecosystem deploys its different components in debug mode. This is useful for development and testing but it is not adequate for production environments.

Enabling the production mode makes the different components to start caching requests and views and minimizing JavaScript files.

To enable the production mode, the first step is setting the environment variable NODE_ENV to production in the machine containing the Logic Proxy.

$ export NODE_ENV=production

Then, it is needed to collect static files in order to compress JavaScript files.

$ node collect_static.js

Finally, change the setting DEBUG of the Charging Backend to False.